Southern Girl Series Bundle: Bohemian Girl, Neighbor Girl, Intern Girl Page 8
“A mechanical buffalo. His name is Buck. He’s the mascot for Triple B. Bucking Bison Brewery. They bring him to all the festivals.”
I follow Lawrence over to the enclosure surrounding Buck. “I suppose the concept of a bucking buffalo is the same as a mechanical bull?”
“Yeah. Buck draws a lot of attention at events.”
Buck is fugly but he’s a brilliant marketing strategy. I’m a little jealous we don’t have something like him to represent Iron City.
Lawrence doesn’t take her eyes off Buck and the rider on his back. “Can we watch for a minute?”
“If you want to.” I don’t mind. I love watching Buck the buffalo knock cocky bastards on their asses.
The enclosure is surrounded by spectators, but we find an open spot to stand and watch. The guy riding Buck is young and fit. Judging by the size of his arms and chest, he spends a lot of time in the gym. He fits the type who’d think he’s too tough to be thrown.
Lawrence flicks her hand toward a group of guys taunting him about a bet regarding how long he’ll stay on the ride. “That has to be his posse.”
“Probably.” Looks like a bunch of frat brothers to me.
I glance over to see who’s running the controls and laugh when I see who it is. This guy’s got the ride of his life coming up. “Billy doesn’t take it easy on pretty boys. He’ll toss him on his ass in no time.”
“How long does Billy give you before he puts you on your ass?”
Billy may be one of my friends but he has zero mercy on me. He loves to see me get thrown. “Not long. I can promise you that.”
She leans closer and elbows me in my side. “I would love to see you get bucked.”
“I only ride after hours. And after many drinks. That’s when it’s the most fun.” Probably not the safest thing in the world to do.
“Drunk bucking?”
She hit the nail on the head. “That’s actually what we call it.”
“I wanna drunk bunk. Drunk buck. Shit, that’s kinda hard to say.”
It is, especially after you’ve had several drinks.
I’m not sure Lawrence and drunk bucking is a good idea. She’s pretty buzzed. “Oliver would kill me if I let you get hurt.”
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “You’re as bad as he is.”
I know she’s an adult but I feel responsible for her. “Oliver would expect me to watch over you. Keep you safe.”
A quick exhale leaves her lungs. “I won’t get hurt.”
It’s only a matter of seconds before cocky bastard loses his seat on Buck and plummets to the cushioned flooring, punching his fist into the padded wall where we’re standing. “Motherfucker.”
I’m not at all happy about his use of profanity for anyone to hear. This is a public event. Just because it’s a beer festival doesn’t mean that anything goes.
“That doesn’t sound like happiness in his voice.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
I notice the line of people at the entrance to enter the pen. “There are quite a few people ahead of you. Sure you want to wait? I know a guy. He can get you in after hours. No wait.”
“I’m good with waiting. It’s fine if you need to be somewhere. You can go.”
No way I’m leaving Lawrence to do this without my supervision. “Nah. I don’t have anywhere to be.”
We watch one after another plummet to the padded flooring until it’s Wren’s turn. “I’m up. Got any pointers for me?”
“Hold on tight.”
“Yeah. I sort of guessed that one.”
“Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns N’ Roses is blaring as Lawrence climbs onto Buck’s back, her long, flowing skirt bunched mid thigh. She grips the braided rope with one hand and holds the other in the air. “Does this look right?”
“Looks good to me.”
She adjusts one last time in the saddle. “Okay. I think I’m ready.”
I leave the enclosure and join Billy at the controller. “Go easy on this one.”
“Let me guess. You don’t want me to hurt her because you plan on fucking her later?”
I wish.
“She’s my business partner’s sister. He’ll be pissed off if she gets hurt.”
“Got it.”
I’m the one who got Lawrence drunk. I don’t need to add an injury to the list.
Lawrence is sitting astride Buck, her back arched, tits pushed forward, and legs wrapped around him tightly. The position isn’t unlike what I’d imagine if she were riding me during sex.
Fuck, there goes my dick twitching again. Man, I gotta stop having sexual thoughts about this woman. Lawrence is off-limits. Oliver said so.
“You can give her a little more than that.” This should be at least a little bit of fun for her.
Billy spins the buffalo in the opposite direction and Lawrence nearly comes unseated.
“’Bout lost her then. Won’t take too much more to throw her.”
“Probably not since she helped me judge the home-brew contest.” She put away a lot of alcohol for someone who says she never drinks more than a few beers.
Billy spins her one direction and then another. Lawrence uses her free hand to wave. She looks like she’s having fun.
“Ready for me to knock her off?”
She’s been riding for a while. “Yeah, but do it as gently as possible.”
Billy increases Buck’s speed. “You don’t fool me. Business partner’s sister or not, you’re going to fuck this one tonight.”
“Regrettably, I won’t.” I’d love nothing more but I can’t risk my professional relationship with Oliver. He’s already been clear where his sister is concerned.
Billy forces the buffalo’s head to dip. Lawrence holds tightly around its neck as it convulses. “What the hell are you doing? The damn thing looks like it’s having a seizure.”
“Maybe, but ain’t the view nice?” Lawrence is head down, ass up, with her skirt hiked high on her thighs. “Ain’t that the position you plan on having her in later?”
I’m already having plenty of inappropriate thoughts without him saying and doing shit like that. “Shut up, Billy, and knock her off.”
“Alrighty. Here we go.”
Billy spins the buffalo and lifts the head so the back dips, dumping Lawrence ass first on the padded floor. Looks like a pretty painless dismount and landing. “Thanks.”
“Anytime. Now go be a gentleman and help your girl up.”
Lawrence is lying flat on her back with her arms outstretched. Her legs are bent at the knees and spread apart. This isn’t helping my problematic case of dick twitch.
She isn’t making a move to get up. Shit, is she hurt? “You okay?”
“Yeah.” She rises to a sitting position and reaches for my hands. The skin crinkles around the corners of her mouth as laughter erupts. “Oh my God. That was so much fun.”
I pull on her arms to help her stand. “You stayed up there like an experienced rider.”
She pats her hands against her thighs. “It’s the yoga. It strengthens and conditions my legs. I can lock these babies around anything and hang on like a champ.”
Also not helpful for my twitchy cock, Wren.
“Hey, baby. Way to hang on.”
Ah. Cocky bastard stuck around to watch Lawrence ride.
“Thanks. That was my first time so I wasn’t exactly sure what to do.”
She drops her flip-flops on the ground and uses me to balance herself while she slips into them.
“You looked like an expert to me. I’d love for you to ride me like that.”
Wren’s back stiffens as her eyes narrow and nostrils flare. “Sorry, frat boy. You couldn’t handle me.”
His fellow polo-shirt wearers break into boisterous laughter. “Ooh, she told you.”
I take a step toward the fucker and Lawrence places her hand on my upper arm. “Don’t. Drunks are belligerent and confronting them gains nothing. It’s best to walk aw
He has an arrogant air about him. She’s probably right about walking away but I can’t let this one go. I won’t allow him to be rude and offensive because he’s had too much to drink. “As host of this event, I have a responsibility to all attendees at the festival.”
“Please don’t approach him by yourself.”
“I’m not going to approach him at all. I’ll have security take care of him.”
I see my head of security making rounds and I wave him over. “Watch this guy in the white ball cap and blue polo shirt like a hawk. He’s going to fuck up. It’s only a matter of time. When he does, I want his ass thrown out of here. Got it?”
“Yes, sir. I’ll take care of him when he steps out of line.”
I can ease up, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before preppy boy is kicked out of the festival. “Problem solved.”
“Then your duties here are done.”
She takes my hand and a mischievous grin spreads across her face. “Can we go listen to the new band on stage? And maybe dance if the music is good?”
“Only if we dance like we did before.”
Fuck. I shouldn’t have said that. Dancing with her is going to make my dick hard again.
Off-limits, Broussard.
Lawrence Thorn
I’m bummed when the last band of the night finishes the final song, putting an end to our dirty dancing. No more arms wound tightly around my waist while warm breath hits the side of my neck.
I enjoyed dancing with Lucas earlier but this time was different. Hotter. More seductive. It feels like something is happening between us. And I like it.
The crowd thins as they move toward the parking areas and we’re forced to face reality. “Congratulations. Day one of the festival was a hit.”
“One down. One to go.”
“I guess I should head back to Ollie’s.”
“It’s not a good idea for you to drive. The police will be on the lookout for anyone who is driving after drinking. There will be roadblocks.”
It’s been hours since the home-brew tasting. “I’m fine to drive.”
“I’d feel much better if you’d agree to leave your car here and use our car service.”
My buzz is completely gone. It’s silly to leave my car here. “I’m good. Promise.”
“I want to look after you. Please allow me to do that.”
Who could say no to that? “Okay. You win.”
Lucas takes his phone from his pocket. I recognize the swoosh of a text being sent and then the alert of one being received. “Someone will be here in three minutes.”
“That fast, huh?”
“I pay them to be prompt.”
I’m not sure what I expected, but this isn’t how I pictured parting ways tonight. “Thank you for a wonderful day. I had a really good time.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to entertain me.” I’m sure he had a lot of other things that he could have been doing.
“It was my pleasure. And thank you for helping me judge the contest.”
“I think I was more of a student than a judge.”
A black Suburban comes to a stop at the curb. “This is us.”
He opens and closes the door for me and then goes around and gets in on the other side. “We’re going to 202 Beechum Street.”
What’s going on here? Is he seeing me home safely because I’m his business partner’s sister? Or is this something else entirely?
Come on. Say something. The silence is making this ride unbearable.
Nothing. I guess I’m going to have to initiate a conversation.
“I bet Aubrey is still jacked up on fried Oreos and powdered sugar.”
Lucas smiles. “It doesn’t take much to jack her up. Bridgette and Warren hate it when I spoil her with sweets. Which is one reason I do it.”
“She gets a little rambunctious after sugar?”
“The kid is like the Energizer bunny after she has a cookie or two.”
“Does Bridgette still work at the printing-slash-marketing company?”
“No. She stopped working when she became pregnant with Aubrey and didn’t go back after she was born.”
“I think it’s nice that she’s staying home to raise her children.”
“You’re a savvy business owner. I wouldn’t have pegged you as a working-mother supporter.”
“I’m a woman’s-choice supporter. Being a working mom doesn’t suit every woman, just as being a stay-at-home parent isn’t a one size fits all.”
The SUV approaches my brother’s apartment and I grow nervous. What are his intentions with me?
We’ve spent the better part of the last ten hours together. A large portion of the day was spent getting to know one another. I’ve enjoyed every moment we were together, especially the flirting. Lucas may very well be the sexiest man that I’ve ever met. And he’s only become sexier as the day has gone by.
Every woman has something that just does it for her. A total turn-on. Mine is facial scruff. And I love his. I wonder what it would feel like against my face. My body. That ticklish spot around my groin.
The longer I think about Lucas and how sexy he is, the more I lean toward him, hoping his intentions with me are less than honorable.
The SUV comes to a stop and Lucas is out of the car before I can come up with anything clever to say.
I open my door and place one foot on the ground. “I was coming around to get that for you.”
“Sorry. I’m not used to anyone opening my door for me.”
I’m self-sufficient and have been for as long as I can remember. I don’t need a man to do anything for me, but yet I crave the chivalry of a gentleman.
Equality of the sexes can be a slippery slope.
Treat me like an equal but bring me flowers.
Treat me like an equal but open my door for me.
Treat me like an equal but pay for my dinner.
“Are there no gentlemen in Savannah?”
“I’m sure there are, but I’ve never dated any of them.”
“That’s a shame because you deserve to be treated well and with respect.”
My father has been telling me that exact same thing since I was twelve.
Baby girl, don’t settle for a man who doesn’t treat you like a princess. You are worthy of someone who will love and respect you. Hold out. He’s searching for you too. Until that time comes, be the strong, independent woman that you were intended to be.
I don’t know if there’s a man waiting for me or not, but I love my parents for instilling in me that it’s okay to be a self-reliant woman. Otherwise, I might have ended up like Christie and married someone like Jimmy.
I go fishing in my bag for the key to Ollie’s apartment. “You shouldn’t worry. I don’t make a habit of allowing men to mistreat me.”
The key is in here somewhere. “Ollie’s pickup and motorcycle are parked here. What did he drive to Memphis?”
Lucas coughs and clears his throat again. “The company vehicle.”
“His truck’s engine light came on. He didn’t think it would be wise to drive it that far without a mechanic having a look.”
It’s a new truck. The light shouldn’t be coming on.
I unlock the door and push it open, stepping inside to disarm the alarm.
“I can’t offer you coffee, tea, or even beer since there is none. There’s only tap water.” I laugh as I recall the ridiculous items stocked in the fridge. “Or maybe a little pickle juice if you’re in the mood for that.”
“I’m fine. I don’t need anything.”
“I have to say that I find it really odd that Ollie doesn’t at least have beer in the refrigerator.” Wouldn’t a beer brewer keep some of his product on hand? It’s another thing to add to my list of oddities about Ol
lie’s recent behavior.
“Most of his time the last few weeks has been spent at the brewery preparing for the festival. I’m not surprised he hasn’t stocked his kitchen. There’s no need when Molly keeps us all fed with her home cooking.”
Molly. I think I remember meeting her today. “Short brunette. Fortyish. Works in the office?”
“Yeah, but she’s actually fiftyish. She acts like a mom keeping the three of us in line.”
I already like this Molly if she keeps my brother fed.
Lucas is standing in the doorway not making a move to enter. “Would you like to come in?”
His hands go to his hips, and he tilts his head while looking at me. The contact between his eyes and mine makes my body tingle. And I’m pretty sure my temperature just spiked, judging by the heat in my cheeks.
He releases a deep breath through pursed lips before pointing over his shoulder. “I wish I could but the driver is waiting.”
Okay. He’s not interested. That’s too bad because I was starting to have all kinds of naughty fantasies about him pushing me against the wall and doing very dishonorable things to me.
I don’t want him to leave. I’m contemplating telling him so when he interrupts my plan. “I hope you’re still planning to come to the festival tomorrow.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.” Not after all the fun I had today.
He continues standing there, not making a move to leave.
“Thank you for seeing me to Ollie’s safely.”
“No problem. Call me tomorrow when you’re ready and I’ll come by and pick you up.”
I sort of forgot about not having my car here. “Okay. What time are you planning to get there?”
“Probably around nine. I have to check on everything before the festival starts at twelve.”
I feel like I mooched off Lucas all day. Free beer. Free food. “Is there anything I can do to help tomorrow?”
“I’m not going to put you to work.”
I would probably be helping out if Ollie were here. “I don’t mind.”
“We’re fully staffed so just come and have fun.”
“Not a problem. I can definitely do that.”
“Do you still have my number from when Oliver used my phone to call you?”
“Yeah. I added you to my contacts after he called. I hope that’s okay.”